
Tips on Eating Wisely

Instead of Carbohydrates Causes Obesity

Aggressiveness of TV Impressions

Watch Violent Shows in Video Games

Storing Food in Refrigerator, What Are Its Benefits?

Sleepy after Lunch

Drink Lots of Water

Grilled Sandwich

Enoki Mushroom Chicken Soup

Pepes Tempe

Chocolate Makes the Heart Happy

Turmeric May Lower Blood Sugar

Black Forest Pudding

Anchovy Pepes

Stimulant Food for Brain

Olive Oil to Prevent Cancer

Men Three Times More Vulnerable of Liver Cancer

Basket Cake Ongol-Ongol

Lohoa Meatballs

Eat Potatoes with the Skin

Crisp Banana Cake

Eat Apples with the Skin

Sleep Not Always Smooth


Boiled Soy Milkfish

Cengcoan Fish

Bakmoy Porridge

The Color Orange Beneficial to Health

Semarang Wet Spring Rolls

Glutinous Rice Dumplings

Mushrooms, New Vitamin D Supplements

Wedang Ronde

Mushroom Broccoli Beef-Liver Cah

Yogurt Overcomes Diarrhea

Mongolian Chicken Tofu

The Sweet and Sour Red, Antidote to Cancer

Wet Mini-Spring-Rolls

Soto Pamekasan


Fresh Sauce Seafood

Roasted Rice

Cassava Roulade


Spicy Sour Stingray

How Many Calories Do You Need?

Kopyor Pudding

Milk Affects Tea Benefits

Brown Rice Teriyaki

Bean Sprouts

Javanese Beefsteak