Deal with complaint of menstrual pain

Most women actually experience cramps during menstruation in different levels. That's normal because prostaglandin reacts in the time of menstruation.

Indeed, there're some women who experience severe cramping with nausea and diarrhea, and need painkillers. The cramp in the stomach is called dysmenorrhea, which means menstrual pain.

There're two dysmenorrheas: primary and secondary. The pain is called primary dysmenorrhea if you have no gynecological disorder. Patients with this menstrual pain are estimated to have high level of prostaglandin, so the contraction is greater and makes the nerves become more sensitive to pain. Primary dysmenorrhea ain't dangerous. The pain usually disappears in the mid 20s or after childbirth.

Whereas, secondary dysmenorrhea is pain due to gynecological disorder. This is due to fibroid, endometriosis, cyst or tumor in the wall of the ovary. A doctor will usually will do a business to deal with the cause if you have secondary dysmenorrhea.

What can be done to solve it? Providing compresses or hot pads and doing gentle stretching are natural remedies to face menstrual cramps. Daily exercising and limiting your bodyweight are also important.

Some argue that taking magnesium with a dose of approximately 100 mg three times a day one week before and during menstruation might relax the muscles of the uterus to prevent cramping.

The following medicinal herbs may be chosen to alleviate complaints:

1. Peel and wash two cloves of garlic. Finely chew up, swallow, then drink two tablespoons of warm water. Do this twice a day.

2. Boil 20 Indian camphorweed leaves. Knead until they're destroyed, and brew with a glass of hot water. Give a little tamarind and salt. Strain. Drink it while it's warm. Do this twice a day.

3. Drink coconut water with a given palm sugar twice a day for three consecutive days before menstruation.

4. Wash 25 grams of carrots. Cut into pieces. Give water, and blend. Drink it twice a day.

5. Brew palm sugar and tamarind with hot water. Drink it warm on the first day of menstruation.

If you hafta take nonprescription, the simplest is the painkiller paracetamol. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen, metamizole and mefenamic acid, can help eliminate menstrual pain by decreasing prostaglandin in the uterus.

Low prostaglandin will also reduce the intensity of uterine contractions. Given the effects of these drugs are felt an hour later, they should be taken when the first sign of pain is impending. Also remember to eat before swallowing these drugs, as they can irritate your stomach. The drugs don't need to take any more when the pain is gone.

You'd see a gynecologist to find out the possibility of other diseases that attack your reproductive organs when the pain lasts more than three days during menstruation.

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