Recognize black rice

It's advisable to meet carbohydrate by 60 to 70 percent of the food you eat a day. Carbohydrate intake ain't only from white rice, bread or noodles, but also yams, cassava or potatoes.

Black rice is a new source of carbohydrates today. What does black rice look like?

Fiber in black rice is higher than the white, so the desire to snack is reduced, even practically nothing at all, until the time for the next meal.

The flavor and aroma of black rice is different from the white or the red when you cook it. It feels blander compared to white rice. However, it really arouses your appetite when coupled with side dishes or vegetables in urap or pecel.

Aleurone and endosperm produce anthocyanin with a high intensity in the black rice, so that the color becomes concentrated purple to black. Aleurone contains genes that produce anthocyanin as a color source of red or purple.

Black rice has properties better than the red or others. Black rice increases body resistance against disease, improves liver cell damage, prevents impaired kidney function and cancer or tumor, slows aging, serves as antioxidant, cleanses blood cholesterol and hinders anemia.

Black rice contains very little protein but high iron. The body needs iron in the formation of red blood cells. That's why black rice to prevent anemia. Compared to red rice, potassium in black rice is higher.

The fiber composition in black rice makes you feel full longer, so that there's no desire to snack. You manage to lose weight because of reduced desire to eat. Thus, you can eat black rice as a way to lose weight.

However, don't forget to drink plenty of water because the fiber is very high, so as not to suffer from constipation.

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