Good hands of smoking

The dangers of smoking are well shelled. Each cigarette puff saves 4,000 kindsa toxins. However, there's always the opposite side of a case.

Smoking also has good sides. What're those?

1. Smoking lowers the risk of knee joint surgery

The risk of undergoing joint replacement surgery is less if you like to smoke. The knee surgery is common among joggers and people with obesity. Meanwhile, you know smokers rarely go jogging and are less likely to be obese.

In addition, the nicotine in tobacco helps prevent the deterioration of cartilage and joint connections.

2. Smoking lowers the risk of Parkinson's disease

Veteran smokers, somehow, are protected from Parkinson's disease. The longer you smoke, the better you're protected. The protective effect against Parkinson is reduced if you quit. But there's no scientific explanation why it happens.

3. Smoking lowers the risk of obesity

Nicotine contained in cigarettes is an appetite-suppressing substance. It's been known for centuries, at least, referring to the indigenous culture in America before the time of Columbus. Cigarette companies then use it to target women who want a slim body.

One of the barriers to quit smoking is that the weight will go up when you stop. The relationship between smoking and body weight are complex. Nicotine itself is a stimulant and suppressant for appetite, and smoking triggers behavioral changes that encourage you to reduce the munchies.

Smoking also makes food flavorless for some smokers, which in turn, to curb the appetite. As an appetite suppressant, nicotine serves as a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. Of course, it's impossible if doctors then advise you to diet with smoking.

4. Smoking lowers the risk of death after a heart attack

Compared with non-smokers, smokers who suffered a heart attack appear to have a lower mortality rate and are more responsive to the two types of therapy, fibrinolysis and angioplasty, to remove plaque from their arteries.

But there's a catch. The reason why smokers have a heart attack is because smoking scrapes the arteries that makes fat and plaque formed there. In addition, why smokers have the advantage after treatment compared to non-smokers is because they're still young.

Smokers get the first heart attack 10 years earlier compared with non-smokers.

5. Smoking helps the heart drug clopidogrel work better

Clopidogrel is a drug used to prevent blood coagulation for patients suffering from coronary heart and other blood circulation diseases. Smoking helps clopidogrel do a better job.

You get the benefit if you smoke at least 10 cigarettes per day. It looks like something in cigarettes activates certain protein known as cytochromes that activates clopidogrel.

Again, not any doctor is certainly willing to advise you smoking as part of the recipe that works clopidogrel better. However, this advantage, and the other four, reveals how tobacco also contains compounds valuable for treatment.

The rest is all in your hands.

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