Drinking plenty prevents kidney stones

Why should you keep a stone in your kidney? Some people sometimes comment jokingly when you suffer from kidney stones. This disease more affects people who live in urban areas.

Kidney stones can form in your kidney itself, the bile duct, bladder or urinary tract. How come?

The blood flowing to your kidneys contains a lot of specific compounds. These compounds are concentrated in your urine to form crystals because of trigger factors. You usually don't feel any symptoms at this time.

However, these crystals precipitate out and more and more over time until they're finally sticking together and forming a solid rock, often referred as kidney stones.

The size and shape of a kidney stone can vary from the least to the diameter of approximately 5 cm. Most types of kidney stones have a calcium-based material that can be seen clearly through the X-ray.

There's also the type of kidney stones that contain uric acid substance in connection with gout. This type can't be seen with X-rays. There're also stones of magnesium, ammonium, phosphate and many other types.

The causes of kidney stones are genetic factors, the presence of infection in the urinary tract, intake of foods rich in calcium or protein, lack of movement, overactive thyroid gland and metabolic disorders such as impaired absorption of calcium and vitamin C or D.

The originator factors are decreasing production of urine to become concentrated, increasing concentration of stone-forming compounds derived from foods rich in calcium oxalate or protein, and changes in the acidity of urine.

The symptoms are:

1. Urine is brown like tea or coffee, even sometimes containing blood if the stones are irritating your kidney or urinary tract.

2. Urination ain't smooth, sometimes you have to change your position to exit the urine.

3. There's a colic as a result of a sudden blockage in the urinary tract. The pain is in the form of soreness in one of the lower back at first and then spreading to the groin and continuing to the testicle or pubic area in women.

This disorder can lead to chronic renal failure leading to the necessity of dialysis whose cost is quite expensive.

You can do these to treat yourself:

1. Drink plenty of water. It's recommended to drink two-three liters of water. It'd be taken evenly throughout the day, so that your urine is more alkaline and less acidic. The number of incoming fluid will dilute the urine to prevent crystallization.

2. Make dietary changes to reduce animal protein.

3. Take one of the following medicinal herbs. They can empirically help remove those stones: drink the decoction of three hand-helds of cat's whiskers and five crimson ivy leaves twice a day; or eat fresh field sow thistle that can help dissolve small kidney stones.

The doctor will provide treatment according to the type of stone that affects, among others:

1. Asking you to check your blood, so that it can be measured how many compounds are associated with the formation of kidney stones.

2. Conducting tissue culture of your urine to determine the type of infection that affects when there're signs of infection.

3. Giving drugs that contains potassium citrate to reduce the acidity of urine.

4. Taking X-rays, CT scan or ultrasound to determine the exact location of the stone, kidney function and the state of the urinary tract.

5. Giving painkillers while the stones are acting and preventing infection.

6. Destroying the stone in the end until it's dissolved in the urine. With the advancement of technology, there's now a method of ESWL to destroy the stone with a laser beam, so that you don't need to undergo open surgery.

Have you drunk enough water today?

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