Eat Herbal Intelligently

Your interest in taking herbal is lately immense. One thing is the urge to get help in curing diseases failed to address by modern medicine.

Generally, you consider herbal more natural, that it's more secure when used in the long term.

The assumption makes you careless in consuming herbal. However, you don't realize that not all herbals are proven to be effective scientifically. It's so, knowledge of the properties is more obtained from the empirical experience.

Even if research has been done on the herbal, the results aren't always positive.

Turmeric and ginger proven to treat rheumatism, for example, shouldn't be used if you're pregnant. Therefore, at certain doses, it's shown to cause birth defects in animal studies. Similarly, Java ginger proven for liver complaints and stimulating appetite shouldn't be taken if you're with gallstones because it'll cause colic pain.

Supposedly, to be used as a substitute for modern medicine, plants must have the evidence on their safety. That's data on the toxicity in animals and humans. The objective proof in humans is called clinical trials.

Departing from the fact, herbal is divided into three groups: phytopharmacology, standardized herbal, and herbs.

Phytopharmacology is a group that's been proven to be effective after a clinical trial.

Standardized herbal is a medicinal plant produced with standard formulations and proven through toxicity tests in animals but not passed clinical trials to prove the efficacy. Some products made from noni, guava, or red ginger, for example, is currently being encouraged to prove itself, so that it can be classified as phytopharmacology.

The third group is a herb that usually contains a mixture of herbals that's been used for generations to treat symptoms of the disease. Evidence of efficacy through clinical trials isn't there, and toxicity tests haven't been conducted.

Herbals that've been produced industrially always have a special mark on the packaging. Introduction of the three herbals is necessary because the book that contains complete information is rare.

Well, so that you don't get lost in the use of the herbal, the following guidelines should be considered:

1. Make sure that the symptoms that'll be treated aren't serious diseases.

2. Herbal use for chronic disease and severe complications along with diabetes and hypertension should be accompanied by regular examination by a doctor, so that when necessary, the doctor can give you medicine that's been proven.

3. Don't rely on herbal for diseases that do require surgery. Breast cancer is for example.

4. Don't take herbal medicine when pregnant, unless it's empirically intended.

5. If the complaint that can be resolved by herbal is repeated, you'd consult a doctor, so if there's a serious illness, it's not a late diagnosis.

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