Child with Measles Allowed to Bath

In patients with measles, a poor body condition can bring complications. Upper respiratory tract infection (URI) that's been suffered will spread to the lower, bronchi, and lungs causing bronchitis and pneumonia mainly due to germs.

To conquer measles, the body should be strong. Nutritious food must be consumed, especially those containing meat, milk, or eggs. Sugary food or drinks are avoided because to digest, your child takes a lot of vitamin, especially vitamin B.

If sugary food or drinks are still consumed, the body will lack vitamins. Reduced vitamin in large amounts can weaken the body directly due to the formation of blood cells, especially the white, is inhibited. In fact, the white blood cells play a direct role in the formation of immunity.

Measles itself is transmitted by saliva splashes. Measles virus invades and multiplies in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, enters the bloodstream, and spreads throughout the body. Because it attacks all types of white blood cells, there's a decrease in immunity.

Measles begins with signs as URI. Patient's body temperature rises to 40 degree Celcius. After five days, the body temperature is down, and there raises patches, begun from behind the ears and then spread throughout the body. The red blotches are gradually decreased and disappeared after five days.

The measles trip can be lighter if the patient has a good immune.

Not only negligent about food, you're also stuck on the misleading view and understanding of the community, namely the patient with measles shouldn't shower and catch the wind. That says, if your child takes a bath or catches the wind, the rash won't go out, aka coming inside again.

Oddly enough, the rash is really equated with pets which can be in and out of the cage. In fact, if the red spots don't go out, it means, it's not a measles.

The misguidance makes the patient confined in a stuffy room, and vents are closed, a treatment that actually plays a major role in causing pneumonia which can lead to death. The patient becomes weaker due to lack of oxygen and fluids of the body resulting in pneumonia.

To avoid this, if there's no air conditioner, ventilation must be good. It's better if the patient is dragged away into fresh air.

The last thing to remember is, measles has no cure. Selling drugs circulating in the community known as a potent expenditure of the rash, in fact, can't be proven the usefulness. Measles will heal itself. The body's immunity is that can conquer it.

This disease can only be prevented by vaccination, starting at the age of nine months and repeating again at 15 months.

The vaccination is usually combined with mumps and rubella in the form of injections of MMR. MMR should be repeated before the age of 12 years.

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