Baby Needs No Overstated Warmth

Noble intentions don't always have a positive result. Excessive warmth to your baby, for example, could be a boomerang. You're so afraid of the cold, so you feel the need to arm the beloved child with sweaters, blankets, hats, gloves, and thick socks.

Even, you seal doors, windows, and vents, prohibit use of a fan, turn off the air conditioner, just so your baby is safe from colds.

Don't forget a habit to smear eucalyptus oil on the body. In fact, in addition to making the heat, the oils can also change your baby's skin to become blackened and charred. In short, you don't realize, siege of warmer infrastructure may be the cause of your baby's crying because of swelter.

Swelter makes your baby sweat a lot, so it loses water with salts. As a result, it's so easy to thirst and weak, therefore susceptible to colds. So, you've been treating your baby misguidedly. That's it. Why? It's because your infant has a brown fat.

Here's the explanation. Every human being needs energy to perform various activities. That energy comes from the burning of sugars, fats, and proteins. Excess sugar in the blood, for example, is converted by insulin into glycogen, so it remains within normal limits. This glycogen is energy reserves mainly stored in muscles, heart, and liver.

Glycogen reserves are only enough to meet the energy needs of the body for 24 hours. This is in contrast with the energy reserves of fat that can meet the needs of the body for several weeks. Because it doesn't dissolve in water, fat burning is more stable and reliable than the sugar.

That's why, if there's a heavy workload, heart and muscles use more energy from fat.

Furthermore, excess fat in the blood will be stored in fatty tissue. There're two kinds of fatty tissue: First, the white that stores in the cells and is spread throughout the body, especially in the abdominal cavity and subcutaneous tissue; second, the brown, especially in your infant born maturely, limited in the neck and back.

The brown fat tissue is progressively reduced and shrunk in your older child and only lagged slightly in your body. It could get rid of excess energy, for example, due to overeating to burn into heat. Another specialty is, the cell can save up to 40 percent of your baby's fat.

The increase in body temperature by this tissue can reach three times than the rise caused by sport activities.

Clearly, by the provision of the brown fat tissue, your baby isn't easily chilled, instead overheated. Compared with you, your baby's endurance against cold air is higher around five degrees Celsius.

So, if you're shivering at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, your baby doesn't feel the same way. For your baby, 20 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 25. In contrast, temperature of 25 degrees Celsius cold enough for you is to make your baby swelter. Therefore, your 25 degrees Celsius is like 30 for your baby.

That's why, even in an air-conditioned room, your baby isn't necessarily cold, also doesn't need to be heated with eucalyptus oil. Milk doesn't have to mixed with warm water. A few-months-old baby even prefers the milk cooled in the refrigerator.

If it may choose, your baby would prefer a bath with cold water, especially when it's hot. In conclusion, don't compare the condition of your baby with you, the adults!

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