Stop Diarrhea with Guava

This herbaceous plant has many branches and twigs. The stem is hard; the flowers are small and white. The ripe fruit is yellowish green while the flesh contains many seeds.

The leaves contain tannin, an astringent, useful as an antidiarrheal. It also reduces intestinal contractions; that stops diarrhea. The other ingredients are essential oils that include avicularin and guaijaverin, the antibacterials.

Guava fruit contains vitamin C that helps to cure the disease. The pectin can lower cholesterol.

1. Diarrhea

Six guava leaves are washed and then crushed with one cup of boiled water. Squeeze. Drink the juice. This herb is enough to be taken two times a day.

2. Heartburn

Eight guava leaves are washed. Boil with one and a half liters of water. The juice is to drink three times a day.

3. Wound

Three guava shoots are washed and chewed until creamed. Paste it on the wound. The astringent in guava is able to stop the bleeding.

4. Canker sore

A handful of guava leaves and one finger of bark are washed then boiled with one liter of water. Filter. Wait a bit cool then drink as well.

5. Leukorrhea

Two handfuls of young guava leaves and seven betel leaves are washed and boiled with a glass of water. Filter. Wait a bit cool then drink. This herb is enough for two times a day.

6. Flatulence in children

Three guava leaves, two centimeters of maile, and five fennels are braised with one and a half cups of water until half. Filter. Take three times a day. Children under three are as one tablespoon, and over are two.

7. Skin disease

A handful of young guava leaves and seven flowers are washed and crushed into powder. Rub on sore skin.

8. Diabetes

One half-ripe guava is washed, split apart, then boiled with one liter of water. The juice is to drink two times a day.

9. Frequent urination

Three guava shoots are washed and eaten as a salad with a little salt and pepper every day and night for two.

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