
Tofu and tempe are not foreign to our ears, soy-based. Soybeans have Latin name glycine max of the fabaceae family, alias nuts.

In addition to consume away, soy is also treated as tempe, tofu, soy milk, bean sprouts, tauco, bean curd, oncom, soy sauce, and so on.

Soy, besides as a fiber source, is also sources of vegetable protein and lecithin, and also sources of vitamin A, B complex, and E, as well as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron.

For Japanese people who like to eat soy, cancer incidence is rare. It turns out because soy contains phytoestrogens, estrogen-like substance, and also isoflavones, the antioxidants. The types of cancer that can be prevented including breast, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and prostate.

The phytoestrogens are able to prevent osteoporosis. Not to mention the extra-calcium in tofu made with calcium chloride, the protein also reduces the expenditure of calcium through urine.

Fermented tempe enhances the activity of vitamin B12 which plays a role in the formation of red blood cells.

Values of fiber, vitamin B complex, as well as the amino acid content make tempe the perfect protein source for people with diabetes. The fiber participates controlling blood sugar levels.

The rich soybeans help intestinal muscle contractions that prevent constipation. The antibacterial substances prevent diarrhea.

The antioxidant nature when consumed in sufficient quantities and regularly can help prevent premature aging.

Substances in tempe that can help lower blood fats are protein, PUFA, fiber, niacin, vitamin E, carotenoids, isoflavones, and calcium. Eating tempe in a certain amount on a regular basis can lower total cholesterol and LDL.

The content of magnesium helps regulate blood pressure. The phosphorus is important for the formation of bones and teeth.

Soybeans that contains medium purines should be consumed in moderation as can lead to gout.

Soybeans, always a popular natural food, are used in a multitude of ways as meat, cheese, or milk substitute.
