
This type of nut is lot of seeds. The Latin name is psidium guajava of the myrtaceae family. It entered the category of tropical plant from Brazil then spread to Indonesia via Thailand. The fruit of this plant is green with the white or red flesh.

Guava is very rich in vitamin C, higher than citrus fruits and much higher than the kiwi touted as the king of the vitamin C. In addition to fiber, especially pectin, guava also contains minerals such as manganese and magnesium, as well as essential amino acid such as tryptophan, also efficacious phytochemicals as ellagic and linoleic acids.

Thanks to its high vitamin C content, this fruit can enhance the body's immune system. If consumed when suffering from throat strep or the flu, it will accelerate healing due to infection.

High content of vitamin C and flavonoid make guava have strong antioxidant properties that can inhibit the production of nitrosamine, cancer-triggering substance. Enough vitamin C in the blood also encourages the work of selenium in inhibiting cancer cells, especially lung, prostate, breast and colon cancers. Lycopene in guava is able to inhibit the oxidation of fats thus preventing cancer.

Potassium level in guava helps the heart beat more regularly. Ellagic and linoleic acids and also fiber are able to bind fat so avoid the formation of plaque and the cause of coronary heart disease.

The pectin fiber is capable of lowering blood glucose level thus suitable to consume by diabetics.

Guava can also lower high blood pressure because of the level of potassium, also the fiber that binds fats.

The vitamin C has a role to form a useful collagen for wound healing. The flavonoid compound has the ability as an anti-inflammatory, hypo-allergenic, and antiviral. According to the study, guava leaves can help raise platelet level in patients with dengue fever, while the fruit often blended and given to people with dengue fever is not efficacious to raise platelet level, but rather as a fluid supply many lost due to a decrease in platelets.
